Science Learning Hub

Science and scientific inquiry is a great way to connect with your young person. You can find out about famous scientists and research unique and exciting inventions up to and including the present day. Who knows, you may have the next Stephen Hawking or Marie Curie at home! You can get hands on! Look up fun, practical science experiments you can do at home with everyday objects.

For example:

  • Ask ‘What happens when you mix food colouring in milk?’ Then add washing up liquid and watch what happens.
  • Why not try making your own mini exploding volcano? Just add bicarbonate of soda, food colouring, washing up liquid and vinegar. Then stand back and watch the eruption!
  • Cooking is also a great opportunity to mix ingredients, add heat and examine changing states.
  • Try exploring changing states with ice and water to begin to see those changes that can be reversed and those that can’t.
  • A real favourite would have to be ‘gloop’ — use water and cornflour (add food colouring too if needed) to explore solids and liquids. Just be prepared to get messy!
  • Of course, there are also some wonderful science kits available to buy to push your scientists further – making crystals, rockets and even bouncy balls.

Anything where they can be hands-on and see the science happen in front of their eyes is guaranteed to be get them interested.

Gillian James and Lucy Tabor, Science

Cincinnati Zoo will have a Facebook live event every day at 3pm on their homepage featuring and animal and an activity that kids can do at home.



Initial Science

Year 7

Topic – Space

Year 8

Year 9

Key Stage 4

GCSE Pupils

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